Minutes + Agendas

Sharing decisions and activities, so you can catch up/be informed!

2020-2021 School Year

Apr 15 2021 - Brock PAC Meeting Agenda.d[...]
Microsoft Word document [24.7 KB]
Adobe Acrobat document [63.9 KB]
Dec10, 2020 - Brock PAC Meeting Agenda.d[...]
Microsoft Word document [25.8 KB]
PAC_MeetingMinutes_Oct152020 (003).docx [...]
Microsoft Word document [30.8 KB]
Oct152020_Brock PAC Meeting Agenda.docx
Microsoft Word document [29.3 KB]

2019-2020 School Year

June222020_Brock PAC Meeting Minutes.doc[...]
Microsoft Word document [30.4 KB]
June222020_Brock PAC Meeting Agenda.docx
Microsoft Word document [28.8 KB]
Jan162020_Brock PAC Meeting Agenda.docx
Microsoft Word document [29.0 KB]
Mar52020_Brock PAC Meeting Agenda.docx
Microsoft Word document [30.4 KB]
Oct32019_Brock PAC Meeting Agenda.docx
Microsoft Word document [706.2 KB]
Oct32019_Brock PAC Meeting Minutes.docx
Microsoft Word document [706.2 KB]
Nov212019_Brock PAC Meeting Minutes.docx
Microsoft Word document [675.5 KB]
Nov212019_Brock PAC Meeting Agenda.docx
Microsoft Word document [25.3 KB]

2018-2019 School Year

Microsoft Word document [23.5 KB]
Microsoft Word document [20.5 KB]
Mar 12_MeetingMinutes.docx
Microsoft Word document [27.5 KB]
November 23 agenda.docx
Microsoft Word document [19.1 KB]
October 25, 2018- Brock PAC Meeting Agen[...]
Microsoft Word document [17.3 KB]
Oct 2017 Brock PAC Meeting Agenda.docx
Microsoft Word document [17.9 KB]
Sept 2017 Brock PAC Meeting Agenda - Goo[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [117.0 KB]

Financials: 2016-2017 Year End Summary and 2017-2018 Budget


2017-18 Gen Brock PAC Financial Statemen[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [77.2 KB]
FY2017-18 Gen Brock PAC Budget (DRAFT).p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [77.1 KB]
FY2016-17 Gen Brock PAC Financial Statem[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [72.1 KB]

Agenda for June 21, 2017 Meeting


Adobe Acrobat document [79.9 KB]

Wednesday May 24, 2017

Meeting minutes


Adobe Acrobat document [72.9 KB]

Quick News

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